Established:  1897

Total students:  5000

Contact information:  197022, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Lva Tolstogo, d. 6-8

St. Petersburg State Medical University.  named after Acad. I.P. Pavlova - a rich historical traditions and authoritative scientific schools, a large clinical base, one of the leading Russian medical research centers.

University structure includes 69 departments, 56 research laboratories, 11 institutes, research institutes and centers. The university bases are located in the clinics of the university and in 43 large hospitals and polyclinics in St. Petersburg.

University team - Today hundreds of teachers, doctors, scientists - is directing its efforts to ensure that follow the best traditions of Russian medical school, providing high education quality and standards of care, and most important, to preserve and transmit to future generations of physicians great humanistic character and meaning the medical profession.


Medical Faculty
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Pediatrics
Faculty Adaptive physical training (AFC)
Department of Sports Medicine
Department of Clinical Psychology
Medical Faculty of Foreign Students
Nursing Education Institute
Faculty of Higher Nursing Education
Faculty of Postgraduate Education
Faculty of Pre-University Education


Medicine, dentistry, clinical psychology, sports medicine, pediatrics, adaptive physical education, nursing