Established:  1909

Total students:  5000

Faculties:  9

Forms of education: full-time, part-time

Contact information:  410012, Saratov, ul. Most Cossack, 112

SSMU one of the oldest universities of our country. It was created by decree of Nicholas II, the grand opening of the institution took place in 1909. At the time of foundation, only the medical faculty operated at the university . Gradually, the number of faculties has increased to 4. In addition to them, departments of additional and preparatory education have been created, and a center for working with foreigners.

Since the foundation of the university followed the classical medical training system that includes a powerful theoretical basis in the different fields of knowledge and subsequent practical training in numerous clinical departments. Every year more than 600 students coming to our university, and the total number of students is approaching 5000.

Since 1991,foreign students have been admitted, currently more than 260 people from around the world chose medicine training at the Saratov State Medical University.

The department is headed by competent professionals, including more than 30 academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Social Sciences Russian and International Academies, 5 Honored Scientist of Russia, 3 Honored emplyoee of Higher School, 106 doctors of medical science, professors, 452 candidates of sciences, 12 honored doctors of Russia.


Faculty of medical and clinical psychology
Faculty of Pediatrics
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Dental, Medical and preventive
Faculty training and retraining of specialists
Faculty of Pre-University Education
Dean's office with foreign trainees


Medicine, Medical prophylactic, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Clinical Psychology, Nursing