Established:  1939

Total students:  3000

Department:  7

Contact Information:  362019 Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Vladikavkaz Pushkinskaya 40.

The North Ossetian State Medical Academy is a modern multi-level system of continuous training of specialists with a higher medical and pharmaceutical education.

Every year, the academy trained more than 3,000 students, interns, residents, graduate students, medical doctors, Which pass primary specialization and retraining, thematic improvement.

In the structure of the university there are 7 faculties, 39 departments, private clinics, Central Research Laboratory, psychological and educational services, centers of practical training and testing, a modern library with an electronic reading room and 21 computer rooms , provide all students access to scientific and educational Internet resources.

An important direction of SOGMA's activity is the development of international relations, in particular, partnership relations with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The Academy is developing dynamically scientific-pedagogical and methodical schools.

Much attention is paid to the formation of a system for organizing independent work, which is an important stage in the implementation of the content of professional educational programs.

Our first priority today is the- formation of the professional competencies of the future doctor, competitive, highly educated, with an active lifestyle, and improve the quality of his practical training. In the context of its decision, the Academy plans to create simulation centers, equipped with modern medical equipment, distance learning centers, development of telemedicine.


Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Pediatrics
Medical-prophylactic faculty
Medical Faculty


Medicine, Dentistry, Pediatrics, Medical and Preventive Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing